What Are The Different Parts Of A Cubicle Called?
If you’re setting up a cubicle for the first time, you may have some questions about cubicle parts and components. What are the components of a cubicle, and how can they meet different needs throughout the workday? Arnold’s Office Furniture created a quick guide to cover everything you need to know about cubicle parts terminology.
1. Cubicle Panels
The cubicle panels function as the walls, creating a comfortable, private space for an individual worker. You can combine multiple panel heights to fit operational needs or add aesthetic interest to the cubicle.
2. Shelves
Most cubicle installations include overhead shelves for books, binders and other materials. Usually located above the desk, these convenient shelves can help employees handle their paperwork and stock up on supplies. This way, any books or materials that the employee might need easy access to are within reach.
Users may also include flipper doors to convert shelves into lockable units and hide clutter.
3. Work Surfaces
Depending on the worker’s needs, the cubicle will include a roughly 24-inch deep work surface for daily tasks. The cubicle may have a rectangular desk layout or a corner surface to hold supplies and a computer monitor.
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